Innovation has always been the back bone of this industry. At times of great stress when the economy takes a turn for the worse or new regulations force significant changes, companies have innovated, both commercially and technically, to come up with new solutions that attract new customers and new possibilities that extend the market. Right now, system companies, hardware and component companies and fabricators have been active in improving and developing their product range to help their customers maintain their competitive edge. Homeowners have a much wider choice of window styles and colours, a choice of energy efficient windows and a wider choice in doors.
Experimenting with the shape, size and look
TV programmes such as Grand Designs have also encouraged homeowners to be more creative and adventurous. They encouraged people to look at the possibilities in properties, and to look for products that add value, style and uniqueness. These programmes and their counterparts in printed media have opened homeowners’ eyes and imagination. They’ve given homeowners the confidence to look for products that can make their property stand out from the rest, and for products that are able to transform a building. They are more confident about experimenting with the shape, size and look of their property. Suppliers and installers – enablers – that can help homeowners achieve their vision and transform their properties will be the winners.
Transforming the building
Since the start of the year we have been pedalling fast to keep up with the demand for our balconies, balustrades and curved patio doors. The upsurge in demand in the midst of a deep recession may surprise some, but architects, developers, self builders and homeowners want to make properties look different, better and more stylish, and when offered the means to do so are quick to find a way to do it. A stylish balustrade, or stunning curved patio doors really do transform a building and you don’t need to be an architect to see their potential.
Many window and door companies are discovering they have the skills and experience that can help them take advantage of this opportunity. A number have already been selected to become Balcony dealers and distributors and are helping transform their customers’ properties and their own prospects.